Gemology (Ratna Shastra)

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Today I thought of discussing a topic much talked about in the Indian community

Some of us believe in astrology or Astro-Vastu, and I am happy to observe that awareness among people nowadays has increased greatly. They can help themselves and their Kith & Kins with this ancient knowledge of astrology written by our Great Sages Rishi Munis

Gems are precious stones that absorb a specific-coloured light and are seen in various colours. There are mainly 9 gems called “Navratna” in Indian Vedic Astrology: Diamond, Emerald, Pearl, Coral, Yellow Sapphire, Blue Sapphire, Ruby, Hassonite and Cat’s Eye

In Indian Horoscope Science, gems are connected to the 9 planets depending on their colour and type of energy. Gemology is the science of gems for curing diseases and for prosperity in life.

Gems are precious stones which are loaded with specific energies. Gems absorb different coloured rays and filter them all, but finally, they keep a specific ray only. For Example:
Ruby – It’s a gemstone Dark Red in colour. This gem will filter colours except Red. When a wearer is wearing Ruby, the Red light from the Spectrum gets absorbed into our body, hence the effect of these rays will produce certain results. Red colour increases willpower, Anger, Dynamism, Blood flow and the Soul is strengthened. Hence, it’s helpful for people who lack confidence or have an inferiority complex.

All these gems are associated with planets in astrology as each planet has a particular energy wavelength which gets fully absorbed in a particular Gemstone. Associated planets are as follows:

Ruby – Sun (Surya)

Pearl – Moon (Som)

Diamond – Venus (Shukra)

Emerald– Mercury (Budh)

Coral --- Mars (Mangal)

Yellow Sapphire --- Jupiter (Brihaspati)

Blue Sapphire – Saturn (Shani)

Hessonite – Rahu

Cat’s Eye – Ketu

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Ruby (Manik) – It’s associated with the Sun or Surya in a native’s Kundali (Horoscope).

 It’s generally available in dark Red and glows like morning Sun. Wearing a Ruby protects a person from afflictions of the Sun, Heart-related problems, headaches, general ill health, eye troubles, blood pressure etc. It’s associated with High designation of Government Job Officials etc.

Pearl (Moti) — It’s associated with the Moon or Chandra in a native’s Kundali

It’s white in colour, and it’s derived from Oysters. Wearing a pearl protects a person from emotional problems and impulsive decisions.

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Coral (Munga) - It’s associated with Mars or Mangal in a native’s Kundali

It’s red in colour. It’s used to get rid of diseases related to blood or 

bone- marrow. A Coral increases practicality, and quickness in doing things.

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Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) – It’s associated with Jupiter or Brihaspati in a native’s Kundali

It’s usually Yellow in colour but its variant is also available known as White Sapphire, which is white in colour instead of Yellow.

It’s helpful for aspects of children (progeny), Education, and Knowledge. It’s helpful in case of liver-related problems.

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Blue Sapphire (Neelam) - It’s associated with Saturn or Shani in a native’s Kundali

It’s dark Blue in colour. It’s related to Nervous problems, delays, serious ill-health, diseases of teeth, and ears, rheumatism, ageing, problems in professional life etc. Blue Sapphire can be worn by a native if these discussed issues are causing trouble.

Emerald (Panna) - It’s associated with Budh or Mercury in a native’s Kundali

Emerald is jade green in colour. It’s related to the power of intelligence, presence of mind, right decisions of business, communication, speculation, and scientific education. It can be worn to escape from madness, stammering and nervous problems.

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Diamond (Heera) - It’s associated with Venus or Shukra in a native’s Kundali

It’s a very precious and expensive stone which has a high refractive index of 2.4175.

Specific Gravity: 3.52, Hardness of the diamond is 10

 It’s helpful to cure unhappiness in married life, diseases of reproductive organs, lack of luxuries in life etc which can be overcome by wearing a Diamond.

Hessonite (Gomed): It’s associated with Rahu

It’s honey-coloured and eliminates problems like Cholera, dysentery, hallucinations and problems from evil spirits

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Cat’s Eye (Lehsuniya) -- It’s associated with Ketu

It’s white in colour with a circular band around a glass colour. It alleviates problems like paralysis, contaminated diseases, infections, and intestinal disorders and increases religious nature in a person as Ketu is associated with Salvation, Spiritualism etc

Any gemstone should first be purified and then worn with positive vibrations of the concerned planet by chanting the relevant mantra during a certain period. Then it should be worn in a ring to a suitable finger of the Right Hand in the case of Males and the Left Hand in the case of females on an auspicious day. But before wearing or purchasing a specific Gemstone, get the help of an astrologer to determine which gem is suitable for you. Always remember, if you wear an unsuitable gem, you will encounter more problems in life. 



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