Gemology (Ratna Shastra)
Welcome back to my Blog dear readers Hope you are finding my Blogs interesting and informative Today I thought of discussing a topic much talked about in the Indian community Some of us believe in astrology or Astro-Vastu, and I am happy to observe that awareness among people nowadays has increased greatly. They can help themselves and their Kith & Kins with this ancient knowledge of astrology written by our Great Sages Rishi Munis Gems are precious stones that absorb a specific-coloured light and are seen in various colours. There are mainly 9 gems called “Navratna” in Indian Vedic Astrology: Diamond, Emerald, Pearl, Coral, Yellow Sapphire, Blue Sapphire, Ruby, Hassonite and Cat’s Eye In Indian Horoscope Science, gems are connected to the 9 planets depending on their colour and type of energy. Gemology is the science of gems for curing diseases and for prosperity in life. Gems are precious stones which are loaded with specific energies. Gems absorb different coloured r...